This thing called social media!

Do you know that social media can make one happy and crazy as well?

So many people now see social media as the air that they breath and can’t do without. Its funny at the same time a reality. Me particularly, I don’t think I can survive without Internet on my device. Yeah, it’s that serious. As a matter of fact, I know of someone who cannot visit the toilet without going along with the phone, just to check through Instagram (social media)
At its basis, social media is a website or an application that enables users to create and share content or do participate in social networking which is a form of communication. E.g., Facebook, twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, snapchat.  I studied different statistics concerning social media and I discovered that it has penetrated to more than half of the world's population as at 2018.

However, the rate at which social media usage is increasing tremendously, has affected and still affecting many lives  and the society as a whole, positively and negatively .
Now the question is, how has it affected or affecting your life?

Many of us, can spend all day on social media achieving nothing while some uses it as a way of increasing wealth. It's rather advisable to spend your time wisely in achieving greater result on social media. Do you know that some people would even go on to monitor other fellows' achievements, bully, compare status, instead of focusing on how they could increase in themselves.

Statistics has shown that 90% of people spend time on Facebook, 60% on twitter, 51% on Instagram while 50% on snapchat. In as much as social media has positive facet, it also has its negative sides. 
This thing called social media has made people to go stealing cos the wanna meet up with standard/friends, it has broken many homes/marriages and even relationships,  has made some depressed due to what they see or read, so many damages has it done to the society! However, today lets focus on the positive sides of social media. Only of we could re-structure our mind, we would enjoy the benefits of social media.

Positive effects of social media.

  • connectivity; make friends, new friends and build relationships.

  • a positive source of wealth; learn to make money with it, open a blog if you can write, YouTube channel, boost your page on Facebook or Instagram for people to place advert, become a brand influencer.

  • an educative platform; Learn, learn, learn. if I need to repeat it severally to understand that you need to upgrade your intellectuals.

  • information and updates; the main advantages of social media is that you update yourself from the latest happening around the world. Get educative update and information about things that can change your life for better
  • promotion; make your brand known to people, advertise your business, skills, talents.
  • improve reputation; Just as it can ruin any business reputation it can as well improve it. Be consistent in whatever you do, one day you would get recommended, validated,  by the least expected. Positive comments, sharing about your brand can improve your reputation.

Thank you once again for spending your precious time on my blog. I love you and appreciate your supports. I wouldn't mind reading your lovely comments.  See you soon💖


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