10 facts you probably dont know about me

Hello guys, I was pondering on what idea to share on my blog today. So I was like, Since we are already getting to be friends now why not share few things about myself. I want y 'all to know me a little better and would like to know you too. So here are basically ten facts you should know about me.
  1. Birth position;  I fall in the third position of seven children. Yeah, like I just said seven children. Don't be surprise, we will be alright.๐Ÿ˜€
  2. Marital Status; Surprisingly to some,  I have got a cute loving husband and an adorable daughter. 
  3. Indoor girl; Even though one thing I'm passionate about is travelling, this girl would reluctantly go out if its not necessary. I always do not have interest going out or visiting, this could be due to the way I was  brought up couple with the fact that here where I live -Europe, visiting people is by appointment unlike Nigeria where you can just call and you're like, babe I 'dey' your door๐Ÿ˜. (I'm at your door) But yeah, I think I just love being around myself alone when necessary.
  4. I hate self-appraisal; One thing I hate myself doing in public is giving self-appraisal. I would rather have someone give me the accolade than doing it myself. This could sound wrong but I have this inclination that whenever I starts doing so, I would stop being the best of me. Correct me if wrong! But trust me, I'm proud of my self and worth
  5. Text or call; I simply prefer text to calling. SMH
  6.  Sensitive and intuitive; I consider myself to be incredibly intuitive and astonishingly good at reading people. I think I'm naturally gifted at reading people I could almost tell when someone is acting unusual or off  in some way.
  7. Disciplinarian; Growing up in a Christian and disciplined home has made me a disciplinarian to some extent. Took after my dad though. And yes, I'm a daughter of Zion.๐Ÿ˜‰
  8. Mysterious Character; It would take a long while to know me well, so you do not want to conclude seeing me from afar. Sometimes I portray mysterious character that can make me seem like enigma, this makes me extremely hard to read. Above all, she's a nice person you would want to role with.
  9. A giver; I can be extraordinarily generous at times and I don't do it because I feel I have to but because I know it's the only way to  get rid of lack. Trust me, it works!
  10. Philosophy Of Life(POL); Do to people what you want them do to you.

Thanks for spending your precious time on my blog. I appreciate your support and see you soon๐Ÿ’–


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