
Showing posts from March, 2019

10 facts you probably dont know about me

Hello guys, I was pondering on what idea to share on my blog today. So I was like, S ince we are already getting to be friends now why not share few things about myself. I want y 'all to know me a little better and would like to know you too. So here are basically ten facts you should know about me. Birth position;   I fall in the third position of seven children . Yeah, like I just said seven children. Don't be surprise, we will be alright.😀 Marital Status; Surprisingly to some,  I have got a cute loving husband and an adorable daughter.   I ndoor girl; Even though one thing I'm passionate about is travelling, this girl would reluctantly go out if its not necessary. I always do not have interest going out or visiting, this could be due to the way I was  brought up couple with the fact that here where I live -Europe, visiting people is by appointment unlike Nigeria where you can just call and you're like, babe I 'dey' your door 😏 . (I'm at...

Travel abroad: how to deal with culture shock!

Even though traveling abroad is quite exciting and interesting, it could also be challenging to some extent especially at the beginning. Everything would seem to change the moment you just landed. Now you’re out of the airport, you’re busy looking around, taking in the newness around you. Smiling, thinking and calculating at the same time, how fulfilled your trip would be. With my little experience, I thought it would be helpful to share with you one thing you will certainly experience when travelling for the first time to an unknown region and how you could deal with it. Have you heard  of the term culture shock ? Immediately you arrived to a new country, you begin to see things differently or may be slightly different to where you are coming from. However, your daily routine, culture, and the attitudes of people around you are no longer familiar. The process of recognizing, understanding, and adapting to these different changes is called culture shock . What ar...


Today I'm sharing one of my ways of preparing gbegiri soup. 'Gbegiri' soup is a very popular Nigerian beans soup, mostly eaten and appreciated by the western Nigerians. It could be made with either a black-eyed beans or brown beans.  Don't worry, gbegiri soup is considered to me as one of the easiest soup. it's really a no fuss soup to make.  I encourage you to give a try after reading through the simple steps if you haven't attempted it before. You would be shocked to find out how easy it is. So if you are Yoruba or probably hanging out or  married to a Yoruba, you must have heard about this combination; 'Gbegiri ati ewedu' meaning gbegiri and ewedu. ewedu is another kind of complimentary soup which is goes with stew. In general, gbegiri, ewedu and stew can be best enjoyed with amala or tuwo shinkafa, depending or your preference or what's available. Interestingly, just some weeks ago I decided to give my family a nice treat of this sum...

My short stay experience in Dubai

H i people, I just thought it's about time I shared my short stay experience in Dubai. I have always have this high expectation about the city and the beautiful things around it. After spending about 3 years as a student in one of the transcontinental European countries, I decided to switch to UAE where I thought I would find a job to greener pasture.  It all started in 2013 when a room mate of mine then, told me she had an agent who could help for the visa application process. I got the contact from her and decided to reach Him (the agent) after concluding with my parent on such decision. After the long and well sounded talk with the agent, I concluded to give a try as I was assured of  getting a job.  Thank God for my lovely parents who supported me with the fund to cover my trip. May God continue to bless and keep them both. I sincerely owe them a lot, such a caring and supporting parent. The employment visa fee + agency fee cost nothing less than three hund...

Are you a 'people pleaser'?

Learn to say NO without feeling guilty Do you ever feel that saying NO to people is absurd and impolite? Do you always want to please everyone and appeal to their feelings or emotions? Do you ever feel guilty when you say NO to people? Do you wish you could put your foot down sometimes and firmly say No? keep reading, this could be what you are waiting for. You know sometimes, many of us feel that we have to always agree to every request, offer, jobs, I mean virtually everything that passes our way. Thereby trying to be so conscious that you don’t want to offend anyone. Hey dear, you need to include a NO in your dictionary if you don’t have such vocabulary in it. Some people find it so difficult to reject things and say a NO, even if they are left with no time for themselves. Well, that could in a way be seen as selflessness but sometimes it could be a factor of indecision, when you are indecisive you say yes to everyone/thing and at the end it bounces back on you to regre...

Expensive Luxury designer wears or cheap and affordable wear

WHAT'S YOUR TAKE? Sometime ago, I decided to get an expensive Luxury Designer wear for the first time with my own money. Any one I have is definitely a gift. So then I went down to a popular luxurious designer store y'all know, I wont mention name because I am not in any form promotion. I was actually passing by when something truck my mind to just branch for a window shopping. ladies you know what I mean 😉. Okay then I got there and saw a lot fancy things but one particular hand bag and a complimentary belt attracted me. Guys you really need to guess how much it cost. Altogether was approximately 659.95 Euro but on minus sales of 40% As a hot chic now, whose partner is a designer's freak. I said let me join the designer gang.  On my mind I was like, ouch my partners is gonna be loving this step-up level, if you know what I mean😃. I actually stayed in the store for more than 30minutes contemplating whether to buy or not and also comparing bags with anothe...

A little about ME

OKAY, LET'S BEGIN Hello beautiful people, my name is Sumbo Masebinu. Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you stopped by to read and I hope you continue till the end. I have always loved to express myself through write ups or share experience about any thing I find interesting. Sometimes, I just looks at a situation and make a quote out of it. Though it may sounds funny and jobless but yeah, I derive pleasure in doing it.  At times it could be interesting and sometimes not. So then I thought to myself, why not make a blog out of this Bordon state, It would be a great idea and pleasant opportunity to share my experiences with the world and as well learn from readers like you. Right, I know not every one has the time to write stories but through your comments on the interesting topics I would be sharing, we could learn from one another.  Therefore, not to bother you with a very long talk as we just begun, let me just hint you on what I'm going to be blogging ...